2018 and 2017 X-Hale Short Film Competition Senior Category Runner Up
Film Project: Director & editor of the short movie production "To Smoke is a Joke" and “Follow the Yellow tooth road”, created in collaboration with students at Neagh Community Training Centre ( a centre for early school leavers aged 16-21 years old ) X-HALE is an Irish Cancer Society initiative that aims to prevent young people from smoking. 2018 Artist in School Award from Laois County Council Art Project: Designed and developed an art mural project in collaboration with the students of Cullohill National School. We created a series of drawing of flowers that bees like, on clay which eventually made up tiles of Ceramic wall mural of a 12 foot honey bee which decorated the outside wall of their school. Through engagement with art we sought to emphasise the importance of bees in our eco system and highlight the current problem of colony collapse disorder. 2016 - 1916-2016 Feiniulacht/Identity Dublin City Council & South Dublin County Council Arts Award Visual response to the 1916 Rising and an awareness of our history and environment and it's role in shaping and developing the identities of the citizens of Ireland 100 years on. 2015 - Artist in school award from Laois Arts Council Working with the students of Clonaghadoo National school, we explored the theme of “Me and My environment”- Using photomontage as our medium we created a series of digital photomontages on canvas incorporated into a mural as their response to their environment. 2014 - Artist in school award from Laois Arts Council Working with the students of Cullohill National school we created a series of ceramic plaques to depict the different seasons which were then used to adorn their raised beds in the school garden. 2011 - 2012 Awarded the NYCI Artist in youth work award - CONNECT Using photomontage as our medium we created a Poster campaign exploring the theme of “Multiculturalism” in Ireland today. 2010 - 2011 Awarded Artist in the community award from CREATE Identity – Poster campaign with a group of young people form the Liberties, Dublin. 2009 - Awarded the NYCI Artist in youth work award “ Dublin 2009 – Through a multi-cultural lens”. Photomontage project on “Multiculturalism” in inner city Dublin with teenagers from early school-leavers projects. 2007 - Awarded Artist in the community award from CREATE Working with a group of teenagers we designed and built a display cabinet that incorporated lightboxes which were photomontages printed on canvas. 2005 - Awarded artist in the community award from CREATE To Create a Mosaic sign for the exterior of an early School leavers centre. |